Nexus Research Foundation is a part of NexusGROUP Enterprise One of the largest healthcare service provider in India. The NexusGROUP was launched in 2005 by a cohort of experts with a conservative investment of capital and a galactic investment of intellectual property for meliorating the nurtured seed of the vision what the NexusGROUP is today and will be tomorrow. To be very true to its name, “Nexus Research Foundation”, the major Nonprofit organization engaged in upliftment of children suffering with HIV/AIDS/, We provides a broad spectrum of facilities and prowess to assist in the rehabilitation of the children suffering with HIV/AIDS globally.
Who we are ?
Who we do ?
Nexus Research Foundation is a non-profit organization established in the year of 2009 and registered in year 2009 under Mumbai Societies Registration Act,1950 (rule no 29 of 1950) in thane Mumbai. Now the Organization is functioning in India covering with four states, i.e. Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, West Bengal and New Delhi with several activities in the field of HIV/AIDS, keeping an objective of health development and well-being of children living with HIV/AIDS.
The organization focuses on disadvantaged children emphasizing on HIV+ve victims, children abandoned by one or both parents, children of sex workers, truck drivers and children who have been abused and belong to poor socio economic conditions.